This 1984 toy keyboard was the little sister of the wonderful Bontempi MRS 52/D.
Unlike the latter, the accompaniment can only be played via the chord sequencer; there is no arpeggio, manual chord mode and it only has 25 keys. Also, the analog sound (especially of the percussion) seems to be a bit thinner and less warm.
This instrument was apparently also released as the Bontempi HT 313-T100 and Bontempi MRS 52/0 (seen on eBay).
Due to the similarities to the Bontempi MRS 52/D, I will only describe the differences here.
Main features that differ:
– only 25 medium-sized keys
– main voice polyphony always limited to 4 notes
– 6 different preset sounds {organ, clarinet, violin, piano, harpsichord, glockenspiel} (selected sequentially via a single button)
– accompaniment cannot be played live, only via the chord sequencer
– chord sequencer has no editing functions
– no arpeggio
– no rhythm/accompaniment balance knob
– CPU “IMP 8442XCA, B-27430870” (40 pin DIL)
– jack out